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Brush #72 White Nylon


215/16 inch x 15/8 inch. One of the most popular. Useful spatula end. well balanced and sized. White nylon


Brush #72 White Hog Bristle


215/16 inch x 15/8 inch. One of the most popular. Useful spatula end. well balanced and sized.


Brush #72 Black Nylon


215/16 inch x 15/8 inch. One of the most popular. Useful spatula end. Well balanced and sized. Black nylon


Brush #37 White Nylon


23/8 inch x 1 inch. Medium size all purpose spotting brush with curved handle. White


Brush #37 White Hog Bristle


23/8 inch x 1 inch. Medium size all purpose brush with curved handle. White chunking hog bristle.


Brush #37 Black Nylon


23/8 inch x 1 inch. Medium size all purpose brush with curved handle. Black


Brush #21 White Nylon


13/8 inch x 3/4 inch. Small and lightweight. Excellent as a touch up brush. White nylon


Brush #21 White Hog Bristle


13/8 inch x 3/4 inch. Small and lightweight. Excellent as a touch up brush. Ideal for silk spotting. Hog bristle brush.


Brush #21 Black Nylon


13/8 inch x 3/4 inch. Small and lightweight. Excellent as a touch up brush. Black



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